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The application has two components: content that will be submitted via question prompts in Submittable and content that should be uploaded as a single combined PDF document in Submittable. 



Applicant Institution

Institution Contact / Principal Investigator

  • This individual will be responsible for submitting the application and will receive notifications regarding application status.

Institution’s Authorized Representative 

  • This individual or office contact has responsibility for reviewing and signing contracts and is usually an organization’s contracts or grants administrator.

Acknowledgement of non-commercialization

  • As part of NBME’s philanthropic programs, the Emerging Innovators Grant Program supports the medical education and assessment communities to drive future innovations. The Program is not intended to support work to develop commercialized assessment products or services. The Emerging Innovators Grant Program selection committee will not consider any such proposals for funding. 

Abstract (350 word maximum)

  • Describe the specific aims of the proposed project as well as any other applicable long-term objectives. Include a brief description of the research design and methods for achieving the stated goals. Address how this proposal meets the theme of this year’s call for application.
  • Write in plain language, so a reviewer without a research background will be able to understand the importance of the project.



Please upload a single PDF which combines the following documents together.

  1. Program Description. (Maximum of 6 pages.) 
  2. Proposal Budget. (See attached template.)
  3. Detailed Project Timeline. (Maximum of 1 page.)
  4. Curriculum Vitae from each member of the team.
  5. Existing IRB approvals or any IRB applications in process, as applicable.
  6. Letter(s) of Support from institutional leadership. 


1. Program Description

  • Describe your proposed project according to the prompts below. The description should be double spaced and written in 12-point font with 1-inch margins. If references are cited, this will not be considered part of the page count.  (Maximum of 6 pages.)


  • Why is the topic important to medical education assessment? 
  • How does the project impact issues related to diversity, equity, and/or inclusion?
  • Please cite literature on what is already known about the topic and how this identifies the existing gap.
  • A clear statement of hypothesis (if a research study) or a clear description of project scope and purpose (if an implementation project).


  • Description of a methodology that is appropriate to the question(s) or project plan. 
  • A clear and detailed study design / implementation plan including elements such as: a description of population to be studied or involved, the types of instruments or techniques planned for measurement with a rationale, including any validity evidence for the instruments selected, and if instruments or materials are to be developed, how this is feasible for the scope and timetable of the project. 


  • An evaluation plan that is appropriate for the study design and one that links to the anticipated outcomes and results.
  • Rationale for the evaluation(s) or statistical methods selected. 

 Anticipated Outcomes and Results

  • Discussion of the anticipated primary and any relevant secondary outcomes and how they will contribute to greater diversity, equity, and/or inclusion in medical education assessment. 

 Collaboration and Mentoring

  • A description of the proposed mentor/mentee relationship(s). Explain what each will bring to the project and/or will gain during the project.
  • Explain how you will involve diverse stakeholders (e.g., organizations, students, educators, perspectives) in this process (if applicable).

 Future steps

  • Description of the next steps (for example, scale up or further funding potential), generalized use of the project results or findings, or potential integration into other learning settings. 


  • Use any format for reference citations.
  • This section does not count toward the program description page limit.


 2. Budget 

  • Please use the template to create a clear breakdown of the budget, including itemized expenses and justification for each cost. Indirect costs may not exceed 10% of the total requested grant amount. 

 3. Detailed Timeline 

  • Please include a project plan outlining key milestones, activities and deliverables, preferably as visual timeline. The timeline should not exceed one page. 

 4. Curriculum Vitae

  • Please include a current CV for each member of the research team.

 5. Existing IRB approvals or any IRB applications in process

  • Please include any documents related to IRB application or approval.

 6. Letter(s) of Support

  • Please include one or more letter(s) of support from institutional leadership (Division/Department Director, Dean, other program leader, etc.) for the project and for endorsement of the PI’s involvement in the project. 



Proposals will be evaluated based on the following factors:

  • Thematic alignment to the call for proposals.  
  • The potential to address at least one outcome related to DEI in medical education.  
  • Feasibility of achieving the project’s intended aims, including demonstration of the appropriate skill level of the proposed team, available technology, mentorship, resources, and program evaluation plan.  
  • Potential for meaningful impact at the institution and beyond, including scalability within medical education. 
  • Collaboration among departments (disciplines), faculty members, or institutions. Additional consideration will be given to collaborations that include meaningful roles for medical students, residents, fellows and/or individuals who are underrepresented in medicine (including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, learning ability, and first-generation or socioeconomic status).  




All documents to be uploaded should be in PDF format and submitted as one document. You are required to submit both a blinded and an identified copy of your proposal. Blinded versions should redact or omit any identifying names of individuals and institutions.


All submissions are due by Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (Eastern US)


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email NBMEInnovatorsGrant@nbme.org



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